
Typhoon and Rainstorm Warning Arrangements

    This policy is to provide clarity for Typhoon and Rainstorm warning clinic service arrangements.

  • POLICY 政策
    All appointments are automatically cancelled should clinic services be suspended due to be Bad Weather Warnings (Typhoon Signal 8 or above, and Black Rainstorm Warning). 受惡劣天氣 (八號風球或以上黑色暴雨警告)影響之預約均會被自動取消。

  • PROCEDURE 具體程序
    We will contact all affected clients/owners for rescheduling,  2 hours after Bad Weather warnings are lowered. 
    Should Bad Weather warnings be lowered before or at 7am, our clinics will resume normal opening hours and services, all appointments will proceed as usual.  如若當日 7am 前除下惡劣天氣警告,診所將會於正常營業時間9am 營業,所有預約將會如常進行。
    Should Bad Weather warnings be lowered before or at 3pm, our clinics will resume normal opening hours and services, appointments will resume 2 hours after announcement. 如若當天3pm前除下惡劣天氣警告, 診所將會於兩小時後重新營業。